PROJECT: Trickling Filter Extended Aeration (TFEA) wastewater treatment plant for discharge at Aujan Industries in Dubai (UAE)
Acqutek Electronics, Malaysia. Ultra pure water, wastewater treatment and recycle system for electronics manufacturing.
North Malaya Chemical, Malaysia. Alpac DAF and TFEA systems treat wash water from textile dyeing plant.
Mapa Plants, Malaysia. 3 Malaysian latex dipping companies use Alpac/Waterworks’ treatment plants to meet tough department of environment standards.
Bard Plants, Malaysia. Alpac (Malaysia) designs and installs compact systems to meet department of environment guidelines.
Nimex Plant, Mexico. Nimex recycles wastewater to reduce water consumption and discharge volumes.
Rusch AVT, India. Drinking water treatment, process water treatment, recycle system and effluent treatment system – all under one roof.
Rusch Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia. Effluent treatment and leachate recycle pays back in less than 3 years.
R.J. Reynolds, Malaysia. Alpac/Waterworks drop twin TFEA units into existing facility. Alpac saves time, money and space for RJR.
R.J. Reynolds, Russia. Waterworks delivers difficult project on time, under budget and meets all criteria.
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